This year is INVITE-ONLY!

ADDED NOTE: If you were eligible and applied for the Marketplace for Super MAGFest 2022, you will automatically receive the email for Early Bird hotel booking when it goes live.


Hello vendors and artists!

Due to the ongoing complexities with COVID-19, we have decided to make Super MAGFest 2022's Marketplace application invite-only.

To qualify to apply, you or your business must have been accepted and participated as a seller during Super MAGFest 2019 or 2020; this includes table shares we approved for both years as well.

The invitation to apply does NOT guarantee a table in our Marketplace – the invitation only permits the ability to apply.

How things will work:

If you are eligible to apply for the Super MAGFest 2022 Marketplace, you will receive an email on Monday, September 20th. Upon receiving that email, you'll get additional instructions on application dates, eligibility, and how to apply.

If your business has changed names or rebranded and you believe you qualify for Super MAGFest 2022's Marketplace application, please email with details on your business's changes.

If you do NOT receive an email on Monday and believe this to be in error, please contact

Okay. But why?

We completely recognize this sucks, especially for new vendors and artists who were hoping to participate in the Marketplace for 2022. The truth is that there are far more variables this year due to COVID-19 that we've had to plan for, and this has put us in a position of significantly reduced staff bandwidth, including the team who meticulously audits and selects vendors each year.

This was a very difficult choice, because the last thing we want is to disappoint people. But unfortunately this was a necessary concession in order for us to run a Marketplace comparable to previous years for the attendees and vendors alike.

We absolutely plan for the Super MAGFest 2023 Marketplace to return to its standard state with open applications, and more lead time for vendors. Honestly, we can't express how sorry we are to those unable to apply and truly hope they'll stick with us and apply for Super 2023.

The Marketplace Team