Joining forces with FIBRE is the mastermind behind the R&B infused record Discoholics Anonymous – Discoholic!

He slings grooves like a bartender serves your favorite discoholic beverages, and the bar is stocked full with your favorite flavors of future funk, R&B, and of course, their 21st century disco style, garnished with fun-loving physical comedy and the most buttery transitions. Like FIBRE, he’s turned up and chilled out the crowds of Super MAGFest before and we’re excited to welcome him back!

This year, these two will be holding a Jam Clinic panel on Friday night from 9pm to 10pm, drawing on their historical and technological wisdom to host “Future Funk: How It’s Made”, where they’ll teach you all about the history and production of future funk as they create an entire track from scratch without samples!

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