Mike Rosson’s vocal versatility has served him well in games like FALLOUT 4, as he ruled the wastelands as the Minuteman Radio Voice and the Vault Tech Scientist, and in FALLOUT 3 as Colin Moriarty, Dr Lesko, Gob and all male Ghouls. Mike took to space and battled all five legendary original Starfleet Captains as various Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians and Borg in Star Trek: Legacy & Star Trek Conquest. Visually, he has appeared in films such as John Waters’ “A Dirty Shame” and the cult classic “The Better Half.” Mike made his mark in stand-up comedy as the Cap’n Cable half of the legendary comedy duo The Video Pirates.
Never to be found without his trusty ukulele at his side, Mike occasionally utilizes the alias "Big Bill Brody." Mike has written songs and recorded backup vocals with the band The Pheromones, performed on The Doctor Demento Show, and improvised several classic bits on air live with the late, great Wolfman Jack on his nationally syndicated show. Mike can be seen playing some wicked bluegrass with his band "5:30 Somewhere." Mike busies himself with a podcast at ALaughOrTwo.com.
Mike has a tender heart, a quick wit, and is a pushover for the select few who call him by the nickname “Dad.” YOU however, can call him Mike. Or, if ye want to survive, address him as "Cap’n."
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