We did a MAGFest. Good job to everyone who participated!

Now, how about you tell us a little about your 2020 MAGFest. How were the concerts? What were your favorite panels? How long was your elevator wait? Did you stop by the Danny DeVito shrine to pay your respects?

Fill out our survey below, and include your name and email, and you'll be automatically entered to WIN TWO FREE BADGES for Super MAGFest 2021!

Look at all this fun we had! But it's not over, relive your favorite moments by checking out our MAGFest YouTube Channel, as we upload all of our concerts and so much more.


Have you ever noticed how the older you get, the faster time moves? When we were kids, a full week at school felt like an eternity. Now, we blink and it's already February in the year 2020. What the hell, Father Time? Also, where are our flying cars? Our sealabs? Why aren't we all half-robot at this point? I feel lied to.

ANYWAY, my point is

MAGStock is June 4-7, which is basically just around the corner. Badges will go on sale later on, but put it in your calendar now and start prepping for the one time a year you get to feel at one with nature, and also justify the $480 you spent on a tent during that Dick's Sporting Goods "relocation" sale back in 2013. I told you it was a good investment, dad.


MAGWest is returning to San Jose, CA this Summer. If you didn't make it out last year, 2020 is go time. The things we're planning, the guests we're bringing, and the bands performing... it's going to be bonkers. More information coming to a social media platform you aimlessly browse while on the toilet soon!

see u next year <3