A master storyteller will leave with many more stories to tell.
“Tonya Woldridge is the Organized Play Manager for Paizo, Inc., overseeing the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, and Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play programs. A long-time gamer, she started playing RPGs in high school. Over the years, some of her most frequent games played were 2nd Edition AD&D, Earthdawn, Champions, Shadowrun, and D&D 3.0/3.5. She started Pathfinder with the launch of the beta and has stuck with it ever since. After attending the third PaizoCon UK, she was hooked on organized play and spent several years volunteering for the Pathfinder Society, first as a Venture-Lieutenant in the United Kingdom, then as a Venture-Captain in Canada, before joining the team at Paizo.”