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You may know Mike Rosson as a Video Game Voice Actor, with roles such as Colin Moriarty, Gob, Professor Lesko, and the Voice of Radio Freedom in the Fallout games. But did you know he is an un-reknowned UKULELE PLAYER? It’s true. Mike’s been alive forever, and he wrote the very first song.

Mike will discuss his many roles, and the history of Ukuleles: their charm, history and their disparagement.
Bring your questions, bring your uke or any instrument you play and let's all sing and play together. Mike will perform songs you’ve never heard, and will never want to hear again.

Ukuleles: their charm, history and disparagement
Bring your uke or any instrument you play and let's all sing and play together.

We recently learned of Mike's unfortunate current health conditions, but he's a resilient guy who doesn't want to miss the event if at all possible! You can assist him and follow along with his path to recovery here.