Friday Night: DJ Block

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Have we got some news for you, and it’s exciting: we're bringing back the Friday night DJ Block this year!!!

Come hang out with Kabuki, Funk Fiction, Ben Briggs, and Tokyo Machine as they close out Friday night, and party with the entire concert hall until the early morning! Y'all ready for this?

Find out more information about each artist on our Musical Guests page.

Saturday Night: CHIPRAVE!


Check out the return of one of our late night music staples, the Chiprave! Head down to the main stage at 12 AM Saturday night (Sunday morning) and catch an incredible Chiptune show from FIVE different acts from all over the world!

Your Chiprave acts are:

Bleeds, Guérin, MENEO, Nanode, and xyce

These fantastic artists will take over the stage to blast beats and blips straight to your brain. You can find out more info about each artist at their band bio pages on our musical guests page!

Stay tuned for more info for MAGFest 2020 coming to you after the holiday!

Thursday Night: Rumble in the Jungle!

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David Wise coming is already a pretty big deal. But what if he brought an accompanying band, and joined let's say... Mariachi Entertainment System and DJ Cutman on the main stage for an incredibly funky evening? Oh yeah, you won't want to miss this Thursday night concert we're calling, "Rumble in the Jungle"! Come dressed as your favorite fighting game character, suit up or dress down, whatever you do, come ready to party with this lineup and plenty more performers yet to be unveiled!

We're so thrilled to have MES at MAGFest for the very first time! Mariachi Entertainment System was founded in 2015 in San Antonio, TX by an assortment of classically trained and professional mariachis. Focusing primarily on video game music, MES features a unique blending of musical styles from across the globe to result in a sound that aims to bridge people and cultures.

A multi-year veteran who needs no introduction but gets one anyway! The original Video Game DJ, Cutman has been making beats and playing game music for the past decade. A former studio engineer turned chiptune hero, Cutman brings energy and fun to all his projects, live shows, studio albums, and remixes.

Y'all hype yet? Stay tuned for more info on this year’s rockin’ line-up!

Find out more at:

David Wise | Mariachi Entertainment System | DJ Cutman



Today's the big day!!

Attendee Registration for Super MAGFest 2020 is now OPEN! Go bananas and get your badge between now and September 17, 2019 to be added to the early bird list for Hotel Launch on September 19th!

For full details on badge prices, supporter tiers, and hotel information, head over to

And don’t sleep on pre-ordering a kick-in tier! The Funky Tier, especially, is going to have the dopest merch we’ve ever made. Check out previews of all of the swag you can grab over on the registration page!

Registration Opens on September 10, 2019

Registration Opens on September 10, 2019

Badge Registration Info

  • Badge registration opens on Sept 10, 2019 at 3PM ET on the Super MAGFest website

  • Single attendee badges are a flat $85 (prices will not change during pre-registration)

  • You must purchase your badge by Sept 17 at 11:59PM ET to be eligible for early-bird hotel booking (info below)

  • Additional information – including group rates – is available on our Badge Info page

Hotel Booking Info

Hotel room reservations will open 7PM ET on Sept 19, 2019 to anyone who pre-registered for the event prior to 11:59PM ET on Sept 17, 2019. Experient will email all eligible registrants with a link and login credentials to the hotel booking website. Receiving the link and login credentials does not guarantee room availability. 

At 1PM ET on Sept 19, a waiting room will open for users to standby. Your login credentials will be required to enter the waiting room. At 7PM ET on Sept 19, the users in the waiting room will be randomly ordered and placed into a queue to be given booking access. Any users that join after 7PM ET will be placed at the back of that queue.

Please visit our Hotel Info page for more detailed information!


This year's exclusive kick-in merch is going to be bananas. Here's just a sneak preview of some of what we've got in store.

As always, you'll want to pre-order it alongside your badge to guaranty getting it – we don't sell any of this specific merch at the event!

Also, did you happen to see the Swadge last year? Well we're outdoing ourselves once again. Rumor has it the new one even has a screen...

And don't think we forgot about the Super Supporter Tier, aptly named the "Funky Tier" this year. It'll be the absolute coolest selection of merch we've ever had, hands-down.

Marketplace Applications open on August 16th!

Marketplace Applications open on August 16th!

Woo! The time has (almost) come for vendors and artists to submit their applications for the 2020 MAGFest Marketplace. We’ll be opening applications at 8 pm Eastern on August 16th, and closing off the application form after 515 submissions.

There is much more information – including rules and restrictions – on our Marketplace Sellers page. Please visit it now for details on how to apply!

And be sure to stay connected on our Twitter and Facebook pages for updates!

MAGFest 2019 is over! Our site is archived... for now!

MAGFest 2019 is over! Our site is archived... for now!

Super MAGFest 2019 has concluded, and boy howdy was it fun! But the fun doesn’t stop there. We’ll have information on Super MAGFest 2020 soon enough. But in the meantime, we’re keeping this version of the site active as a 2019 archive, just in case you want to relive the past. Nothin’ like a good sip o’ nostalgia.

But hey, if you just can’t wait until 2020, be sure to check out our other upcoming events!

Kick-In Deadline Closes November 18th!

Kick-In Deadline Closes November 18th!

We've got some sick exclusive swag this year, and the only way to get it is to add a kick-in to your badge before the weekend. Here are the tiers (all higher tiers include the previous tiers):

  • $25 Tier: T-shirt, Limited Pin, Button

  • $75 Tier: Sweatpants, Swadge, Water Bottle, Lip Balm, Hand Sanitizer, Post Card Set, Die Struck Keychain, and 5 more items!

  • $200 Tier: FOUR Resin Cast Figures of the Sun Cats with NFC tags

And you’ll get one for each of the four characters. Rad.

And you’ll get one for each of the four characters. Rad.

You've still got a little time to upgrade and get all this dope stuff. Check out our merch page, and click "Upgrade Your Badge".

Oh, and check out this year's Swadge.

Some notable features include:

  • Single and multi-tone Color Chord

  • USB battery bank or AA battery powered

  • Single player and wireless multiplayer game

  • Wearable on a belt or a lanyard

  • Tons of light dance patterns, and unlockables

  • D6 Roller, Flashlight Mode, and a bunch more

Oh, so pretty.

Oh, so pretty.

Upgrade to Supporter Tier by Sunday, November 18th to get the Swadge and a bunch of other awesome swag!



While last Friday wrapped up our performer announcements for Super MAG 2019, we've one more music related memo to share with you cosmic cats.

Enjoy this stellar flyer featuring a day-by-day breakdown of ALL ARTISTS performing on main stage at the fest!

Radtastic flyer by Adam Hoffman

Radtastic flyer by Adam Hoffman

Not in performance order, of course. Gotta save some secrets for the master schedule reveal! (^_−)−☆

Again, full artist bios for all of our performers can be found here here. See y’all in January! \m/



We’re getting pretty meta here, folks.

For our final Super MAG 2019 music announcement, headlining Saturday night in incredibly spectacular fashion, it’s…

Command & Conquer composer Frank Klepacki

Performing with The Tiberian Sons!

RIP all of our faces.

One final time, click the bio links & be amazed! Find all of them here.

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These folks could make *anyone* look good!

These folks could make *anyone* look good!

Introducing this year’s visual cavalcade!

While we’ve enjoyed announcing our musical guests thus far, they aren’t the only performers you’ll see on main stage at the fest. Featuring the following seven talented visualists:

Circuit bender & mind warper, VISMANCIENNE!

Creator of both sonic & visual wonders, Dino!

Translating chipmusic into viewable magic, SBthree!

Purveyor of psychedelic video synths & nearly obsolete electronics, NO CARRIER!

MAGFest staple & mystical dragon, Nate Horsfall!

Fractal glitch wizard from outer space, Sheltron!

Your favorite city, Kira City!

7 clicks for 7 bios! Learn which musical acts they’re performing with via the links!

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Bleep bloops & glowsticks for all!

Bleep bloops & glowsticks for all!

Ain’t no party like a chiptune party.

Yes, clearly we’re talking about the last of the Super MAG music mainstays, the Saturday night Chiprave! Curious to see how many dancing T-Rexes we get this time. This event’s roster features the following fantastic folk:

Pounding party-tune presenter, Graz!

Dual-wielding Game Boy dancemaster, HarleyLikesMusic!

Havoc heraldess of NEStunes, Chibi-Tech!

creator of tunes tiny and big, bryface!

Dance pop noise rock maestro, don’tblinkoryou’lldie!

I’m soooo close to being done reminding you to click the all important bio links….

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Get ready to throw some shapes! ⚪🔺⬜

Get ready to throw some shapes! ⚪🔺⬜

Y'all wanna see some DJs fight?

With their musics, of course. I mean, it wouldn’t be a Super MAG without a Friday night Dj Battle after all, amirite? This event’s competitors include:

Creator of the cutest EDM you’ve ever heard, Blood Code!

Winner of MAGFest’s Most Fabulous Hair Award¹, GRIMECRAFT!

Australia’s premier Anime & Gaming Dj, D*Jadeabella!

Professional Anime Boi & Producer, Ralfington!

Charlie Puth’s cuter, VGM loving cousin², James Landino!

Click the bios and choose your fighter before pressing START on your dance moves.

¹not really
²also not really

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This announcement is out of this world. 🚀 ✨

This announcement is out of this world. 🚀 ✨

Wanna go Swingin' in Space?

Good, because that’s what’s happening during our Thursday late night showcase.

King Koopa’s rambunctious rascals, The Koopa Kids!

VGM Swing Sensation, ConSoul feat. Kris Maddigan of Cuphead Fame!

Click the names and be amazed. Find all performer bios here.

P.S. As always, “dressing up” for this shindig is wholly optional. Wear your fancy pants or not; you don’t even have to wear pants! We don’t care. Just wear clothes, ok?

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Oh heck this is big.

Oh heck this is big.

This announcement is really big.

All of our music announcements for Super MAGFest are maximumally embiggened with hugeness, but this one is like, extra big. I’m talking spacetime warping Supermassive Black Hole sized big.

What I’m really trying to say here is that the hype from today’s music announcement will suck you in and never let you go. #RIP

Do these cats rly even need an intro at this point? ok w/e, Bit Brigade!

Returning from the ether of early MAGHistory & time immemorial, Chromelodeon!

Down the black hole you go!

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Lucky No. 7

Lucky No. 7

Congratulations on your fortunateness!

By that we mean you’re very lucky to be reading this awesome announcement of musical awesomeness right now in this very moment. It is good and should make you feel good. You are welcome.

Dangerously overpowered djent summoning spell, Knight of the Round!

The world’s 579th-greatest rapper, MC Frontalot!

If you click their names, it will do you a heckin’ good.

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♬♫♪ S I X ♪♫♬

♬♫♪ S I X ♪♫♬


Both of today’s announced acts are 100% certified in melting faces with their combined powers of chiptune math rock & metal guitar riffage. Pretty solid way to go if you ask us.

Game Boy Doof Warrior & Guitarwankery Extraordinare, Danimal Cannon!

France’s one & only explosive chiptune, power pop, mathcore band, Please Lose Battle!

Click the bio links to learn more about your face’s impending demise.

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Announcement of Fifths

Announcement of Fifths

[insert witty header here]

We may be running out of headers, but certainly not performers! You’re gonna love this trio of acts more than moth loves lamp!

Triple the force with 4x the tet, Triforce Quartet!

8-bit sci-fi hiphop trio, Supercommuter!

Think The Seven Sages but armed only with ocarinas, Ocabanda!

Click, click, click & learn! All artist bios here btw.

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Music 4.0!

Music 4.0!

Can you even feel this!?

If you can’t, you damn well will live. These two acts will make sure of it.

A D&D Campaign that came to life and formed a metal band, Dethlehem!

Vancouver’s VGM Medley Masters, The Runaway Four!

If thou clicketh, thou shall learneth.

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