The man, the myth, the legend
“Nate (FoxxDragon) is a man who wears many hats: Animator, Illustrator, video editor and others. He Arrived on the scene back in 2008 when he started doing banners for Dwelling of Duels. Since then, he has done artwork for more than 50 albums, including running his own projects for Secret of Mana tribute: Spectrum of Mana, and Chrono Trigger Tribute: Chronicles of Time. He is the primary artist for Chiptunes = WIN, but especially known around MAGFest for the backing videos he does for bands when they play live. Odds are fairly high you have seen one of these performances, as he has been doing work for many bands since 2012. If you are watching a show, and the visuals are syncing up directly to the music in ways that make you wonder “How are they doing that?”, odds are high that Nate is back there, making sure everything lines up.”
Performing with Frank Klepacki and The Tiberian Sons.