Announcing Virtual MAGFest

Announcing Virtual MAGFest

Update: This event is no longer happening due to internal and external issues. We appreciate your understanding. Sorry, everyone.

It's Happening. Virtually.

Virtual MAGFest is happening January 22-24 on

Let's just rip this band-aid off now. It absolutely SUCKS that we can't gather together in person at our beloved January event, but that's not gonna slow us down. We've been working hard behind the scenes to prepare you for the most INTENSE MOTHERCRUSHING VIRTUAL EVENT YOU'VE EVER SEEN.

This ain't your standard "2020 livestream last-ditch digital event". We're not only bringing you the classic concerts and gaming stuff, but we're focusing on ridiculous interactive content that we normally wouldn't be able to do at a physical event. (Bean pits, game jams, etc...) Stay tuned for more specifics, but while you're here, I guess we could tease this:

Can we talk about this for a second? That's a virtual event space we're dubbing The MAGLord, and you'll be able to join in on the fun in VRChat come January 22nd. More on this later, but we hope you're as pumped as we are. Btw, we're looking for more talented folks to help us craft things like our Digital DeVito Dump Shrine, so please toss an email to and join the Discord.

MAGFest Is Cancelled

MAGFest Is Cancelled



Hey everyone - 

We know many of you saw this coming. Like you, we also held out hope for good news, a vaccine, anything that would mean we’d be able to Super MAG together safely in January. That hasn’t happened. The last six months have been devastating, and we hate to add one more thing to your List of Events Cancelled by COVID, but, here we are. For the first time in our 18-year history, we will not be able to put on the greatest weekend of music and gaming for the community we love. There will be no in-person Super MAGFest in January 2021.

Taking a year off from an in-person MAGFest is not something we take lightly. All year, we look forward to the chance to see our friends, have fun, and immerse ourselves in gaming, music, DeVito shrines, and everything in between. The proceeds from Super MAGFest go towards covering event costs, paying our employees, and nurturing our communities across MAGWest, MAGStock, Bitgen, and other events. Without Super in 2021, it’s difficult to predict what our organization’s future will look like.

If you know us, you know that we care a lot about our Core Values, and that our community (that’s you!) is everything. And in striving to be sincere and transparent with you, we have to let you know how serious this decision is for us. It’s very possible that we, as an organization, will be in dire straits in the coming year or two.  

We don’t want to see that happen, and we hope you don’t either. So, we’re asking for your support by inviting you to MAGTelethon: The Big-Ass Big Ask on Twitch, this Sunday 9/13 at 12pm ET. 

A telethon? Yeah buddy, like it’s 1992. Join us for fundraising shenanigans, special guests, and absolutely ridiculous programming on

And there are multiple ways that YOU can help us:

  • Make a tax-deductible donation to MAGFest. Any donations totalling $85 or more between now and 9/15 will get you a Telethon-themed badge and lanyard (mailed this fall)

  • Submit a short ~30 second video of your favorite MAGMemory, MAGStory, or what MAGFest means to you here. (it might get played during the telethon!)

  • Create and submit MAGFest art here – as beautiful or as stupid as you’d like – to be featured on the badge (DeVito fanart has entered the chat)

  • Tune in at 12pm ET on Sunday 9/13 to

  • And keep an eye on our Twitter for updates, surprises, and superb shitposts

Here are some FANTASTIC reasons to donate!

  • MAGFest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so can you say “TAX DEDUCTIBLE”?

  • If you donate $85 or more (in total), we’ll mail you a badge and lanyard, featuring the community art sent to us this week!

  • You’ll be featured on our Prestigious List of Bonors Donors on our website

  • MAGFest is a pretty cool guy

  • The Telethon will feature asinine donation goal incentives, such as:

    • Live song requests

    • Barefoot LEGO walks

    • Playing your terrible Mario Maker levels live

    • Arbitrary loading and unloading of arcade machines

    • Exclusive access to the Official MAGFest FansOnly livestream


  • But seriously, MAGFest is entering some mysterious waters that no one (seriously, who saw 2020 unfolding like this?) expected, and your support will help us stay afloat so we can come back with a vengeance with Super MAGFest 2022.

You already know - MAGFest is more than just our events - we’re an organization built around making the world a better place through video games. Not only do over 1,300 volunteers come together each January to make Super MAGFest a memorable experience for almost 25,000 people, we have 8 employees and tons of volunteers working year-round to make our events happen.

Donate if you can. Submit a video! Join us on Sunday for MAGFest foolishness. Your support today ensures that we will be able to continue providing programming in some way until it’s safe for us to be together in person again. We love you and can’t wait to party in person.

A Quick Update from MAGFest

A Quick Update from MAGFest

Here’s a quick update from your pals at MAGFest <3

We know by now you’d usually be hearing from us about things like hotel launch, merch ordering, and all of the other stuff that comes during a normal calendar year. But, of course, 2020 has been anything but normal.

We didn’t want to be radio silent at this time, but the truth is we’re still figuring things out for ourselves. At present, we have no announcements or finalized decisions regarding Super MAGFest 2021, but we know the clock is counting down. 

We’re still actively weighing all possible options and scenarios, and working through negotiations on our contractual obligations, all with careful consideration to the CDC guidelines. We genuinely thank you for your patience, and promise we’ll have more information as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please fill out this survey. This can help us shape the next few months and give us insight into how everyone is feeling, and what options our community would be interested in. If you don’t mind, please take a few minutes to fill it out; it would really help us out.

Stay safe and sane,

How was your MAGFest?

How was your MAGFest?


We did a MAGFest. Good job to everyone who participated!

Now, how about you tell us a little about your 2020 MAGFest. How were the concerts? What were your favorite panels? How long was your elevator wait? Did you stop by the Danny DeVito shrine to pay your respects?

Fill out our survey below, and include your name and email, and you'll be automatically entered to WIN TWO FREE BADGES for Super MAGFest 2021!

Look at all this fun we had! But it's not over, relive your favorite moments by checking out our MAGFest YouTube Channel, as we upload all of our concerts and so much more.


Have you ever noticed how the older you get, the faster time moves? When we were kids, a full week at school felt like an eternity. Now, we blink and it's already February in the year 2020. What the hell, Father Time? Also, where are our flying cars? Our sealabs? Why aren't we all half-robot at this point? I feel lied to.

ANYWAY, my point is

MAGStock is June 4-7, which is basically just around the corner. Badges will go on sale later on, but put it in your calendar now and start prepping for the one time a year you get to feel at one with nature, and also justify the $480 you spent on a tent during that Dick's Sporting Goods "relocation" sale back in 2013. I told you it was a good investment, dad.


MAGWest is returning to San Jose, CA this Summer. If you didn't make it out last year, 2020 is go time. The things we're planning, the guests we're bringing, and the bands performing... it's going to be bonkers. More information coming to a social media platform you aimlessly browse while on the toilet soon!

see u next year <3

Papercraft Available Now!

Are you a fan of our theme this year? Take a look at these papercraft figures that you can print out and build to become a mega-MAG-fan!

Check out the full set here.

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Arcade Tournament Schedule

Hey there!

We’re less than ONE WEEK away from the happiest time of the year, and there’s STILL information to announce! Take a look below at our tournament schedule for arcades!

We’re excited to see you soon!

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Friday Night: V-JAMS @ Jamspace!


We've got V-Jams for a whole 2+ hours ready to move and groove you with loads of incredibly out-of-this-world jams and guest musicians ready to bring the funk. This is one show that'll be sure to deliver the sauce in spades. Don't miss it!

Warning: May cause stank face

Thursday Night: Megatronix Cyberslam @ Jamspace!

Hey there folks!

Looking for something to do Thursday night? How about check out the Megatronix Cyberslam presented by our very own Jamspace! Join Aeoxis and Mӧtorizer Thursday night from 12-2:30AM for some Rockin’ Tunes and get your cyber dance on at the Jamspace stage!

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Saturday Night: D&D Liar's Night

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Play in a Dungeons & Dragons Epic event on Saturday from 4-8 pm: Liar's Night.

Celebrate on the darkened streets of Baldur's Gate when folk of all walks of life don masks and costumes and play at being other than what they are. Hollowed-out pumpkins carved with faces and filled with candies. As are the pockets and belt pouches of folk as tricks and pranks of all kinds are common, and pickpockets are rife on this night.

Liar's Night is a multi-table interactive D&D event where you and over 100 other D&D fans will play an epic adventure together AT THE SAME TIME. Costumes are encouraged and everyone is invited. Beginners & experienced players alike! All materials provided.

A reminder that Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League events happen all weekend long! Walk up events start every hour and no experience needed. Sign-ups for limited games begin Dec 28th.

Tabletop Tournament Schedule

Get ready, nerds! Grab your meeples and polyhedral dice to check out this year’s Tabletop Tournament Schedule. (Because who doesn’t love a little friendly competition?!) From Catan to Warhammer, we've got quite a list to choose from. Sign-ups will be at the Riverview Ballroom so head over after check-in and grab your slot!

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MAGFest Versus is BACK!

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MAGFest Versus is a live game show that is about as chaotic as it is awesome. Back for another year, it will be hosted by the hilarious (and charming) Jesse Cox! Join the Suncats (yes, they're back too) and two teams as they battle their way to Planet Funk; engaging in a variety of video game challenges, trivia, puzzles, prizes, and more, all in an attempt to take on MAGFest's nemesis, the evil Buff Studhorse, in the VR Zone!

MAGFest Versus will appear on two nights:

Friday, Jan 3 - 6:30pm

Saturday, Jan 4 - 8:00pm

Located in Panels 3

Cosplay Photoshoot Schedule!

Hey everyone!

Here is our Super MAGFest 2020 organized photoshoot schedule, courtesy of the cosplay department!! Note that stars adjacent to the fandom indicate that the photoshoot starts on the half-hour, everything else should start right on the hour. All photoshoots will take place at the fountains on the lower level Atrium.

If you’re dressed and looking your best for the theme, come on out!


MAGMoves Dance Contest!


For the first time ever, the Arena at MAGFest is holding a dance competition! Singles, pairs, and groups will compete in front of a panel of celebrity guest judges for a chance to be recognized as the funkiest dancers at MAGFest. Come watch some amazing dancing and cheer on your favorites! Get there early to make sure you get in and also to catch our special pre-show!!

Interested in competing? Check out the event page here. You can find the rules, additional information, and sign up at

**You must have a Super MAGFest 2020 registration in order to attend this**

Live Band Freestyle/Cypher hosted by EyeQ

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Video game music and hip-hop, united at the Jam Clinic at last! Come and join EyeQ and special guests from the NPC Collective for our first ever Freestyle Hip-Hop Cypher. Come play in the band or step up to the mic and show your skills!

Announcing Your POSE Nightclub Lineup!

Announcing Your POSE Nightclub Lineup!

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Did you know there’s a rooftop lounge/night club at the Gaylord? Did you know that we’ve got Super MAGFest 2020 (Official) music happening there? If you’re 21+ with a valid ID, take the elevator by the main entrance straight to the Pose Lounge, where we’ve got crazy good "secret" jams Thursday through Saturday! Featuring artists from collectives including Otakus with Attitude, Kawaii Bass, DESKPOPmusic and Nice Crew, Party With Your Friends, and Tiny Waves!

Be sure to check it out!

Friday Night at Belvedere!

Friday Night at Belvedere!


Hey folks out there in Internet land!

We’re back with the missing piece in our Belvedere lineup! Coming at you strong is our Friday lineup at the Belvedere Lobby Bar. Standing room fills up fast, so if you want to check out these acts, make sure you get there faster! Friday’s lineup features Woodwind Wakers, VGM Collective, The Dave & Danny Chill Show, Geekapella, The Hit Points, and David Wise 5!

Come on by to have a drink, have a listen, and enjoy the music!

Saturday Night at Belvedere!

Saturday Night at Belvedere!


We're back with Day 2 of the Belvedere Lobby Bar lineup for Super MAGFest 2020! Reminder that this stage is over in the Atrium and the standing room fills up fast, so don't sleep on it! Today's lineup features 88 Bit, Do a Barrel Roll!, Super Marcato Bros, The Hard Modes, and Super Soul Bros!!!

Be sure to come by, grab a drink, and have a listen to all of these fantastic performers!

Thursday Night at Belvedere!

Thursday Night at Belvedere!


If one stage wasn't enough for you, we've got way more in store. This is only Day 1 of the Belvedere Lobby Bar lineup for Super MAGFest 2020! You won't see these announced as part of our main stage lineup but there are going to be some awesome intimate shows. Today's lineup features DK Adventures, The Game Brass, Super Guitar Bros, GameroftheWinds, Glitch Kibbitz, Eight Bit Disaster, and Insaneintherainmusic!!!

Come out to the Belvedere Lobby bar on Thursday night and hang out, grab a drink, and enjoy the music!

Presenting the 2020 Visualists!

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Oh boy, a second Saturday surprise announcement, and it’s a good one: we're pleased to present the talented individuals that will be providing the Super MAGFest 2020 main stage with incredible visuals to pair with the powerful musical performances all weekend long! Give it up for Zebbler, Nate Horsfall, MS Paint, PrincessLeah, Thresher, Diy_destruction, and Enerjawn!!! Enjoy the shows and give them some love!

We’ll have more info on these talented individuals on our Visualists page in the coming days!